Strategic Stakeholders
The Strategic Stakeholders of the ECYBRIDGE Project, encompassing both individuals and organisations, play a vital role in shaping its direction and impact. These stakeholders, including experts, policymakers, industry leaders, and academic institutions, provide invaluable strategic advice and insights that are crucial for the project’s success.
They are actively involved in the project’s journey, receiving regular updates on events, milestones, and progress. Furthermore, they are invited to participate and contribute to major events and initiatives under the ECYBRIDGE umbrella. These events are designed to foster civilian-defence synergy, promote policy and technological innovation, share best practices, and address the most pressing challenges and opportunities in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.
By combining the expertise of individuals with the resources and networks of organisations, Strategic Stakeholders help shape the future of EU cybersecurity policies and strategies. Their involvement ensures the project’s outputs are aligned with real-world needs and challenges, guiding future European investments in this critical sector. Their collective commitment strengthens civilian-defence collaboration and builds a more unified and resilient approach to safeguarding Europe’s digital future.
Do you want to become a Strategic Stakeholder of the ECYBRIDGE Project?
Key Individual Stakeholders

General (ret) Stefan Danila
Former Chief of Defence Staff of the Romanian Armed Forces

Dr Velizar Shalamanov
Former Minister of Defence of Bulgaria Former Chairman Of The Board of NCIA

Lieutenant General (ret) Cristian Dincovici
Former Chief of Military Intelligence Directorate, ROU MOD

Lieutenant General (ret) Ion Grosu
Former Deputy Director, Romanian Intelligence Service

Professor Sanja Bauk
Head of Centre for Maritime Cybersecurity of the Estonian Maritime Academy

Mr Emanuel Cernat
Managing Partner of Corporate Affairs Strategies

Dr John McCarthy
CEO, Oxford Integrated Systems

Professor Silviu Rogobete
Director, Doctoral School of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science

Dr Liliana Filip
President, Political Research Group